Muscle strains in dogs and how to treat them
06 Dec, 2016
Yesterday, I had an unfortunate encounter with a train door.
06 Dec, 2016
Yesterday, I had an unfortunate encounter with a train door.
03 Dec, 2016
A dog with roach back has an arch in the vertebrae around the loin area. The vertebrae curves upwards so it appears there is a….
15 Nov, 2016
We regularly hear about the physical and psychological benefits of daily exercise for our dogs but is there such a thing as too much exercise?
Imagine a dog that is not walked or exercised during the week. On Saturday morning the dog is taken to the beach to run and play with other dogs for a couple of hours. While the dog may have a great time, it is likely they will overexert themselves and exhibit symptoms of delayed onset muscle soreness or DOMS.
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