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Blog / Injury

Dog as a limp

How to treat a dog with a limp?

08 Oct, 2016

When our dogs “limp”, they are not weight bearing normally on one limb. The severity of a “limp” can vary greatly. It can range from being a symptom of a serious injury or condition to a very minor trauma.

If your dog has just started limping, here are some tips for treating it.

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Dogs chasing balls

Is chasing a ball bad for dogs?

03 Oct, 2016

Ball chasing emulates a predator chasing prey. Predators hunt and chase prey three or four times a day when prey is plentiful and less frequently when prey is not as readily available. Predators’ bodies like the dog’s is designed to absorb the strain of twisting and turning involved in the hunt. Dogs’ bodies however are not designed to withstand the stresses of ball chasing as frequently and repetitively as some dogs.

Here are some alternatives for ball chasing games.

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Cruciate Ligament, Canine Stifle

Therapy for dogs with cruciate ligament injury

10 Sep, 2016

In my canine myofunctional therapy practice, I have treated a number of dogs with cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) injury. Some of these dogs have had surgical intervention and some have not.

Regardless of the intervention, the rehabilitation programme follows a similar pattern.

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