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Healthy muscles

How to keep dog's muscles and joints healthy

06 Apr, 2015

Dogs can only move freely when their muscles are healthy and supple and thankfully the “recipe” for healthy muscles is simple.


Just like humans, our dogs need good nutrition for their muscles to function well. Dogs need quality sources of protein, fats, vitamins and minerals and sufficient energy to be able to perform but not too much energy! Overfeeding leads to obesity which not only impacts the dog’s mobility but their general health.


The dog’s fascia and the underlying muscles need to be well lubricated to perform at their best. Good sources of hydration for dogs is fresh water and water from food sources such as meat, fruit, and vegetables.


Appropriate exercise for your dog, following adequate warm up, keeps muscles strong and supple. Consider the type of exercise you give your dog and ensure it is appropriate for their stage of life and for keeping their musculoskeletal system healthy.


Over exertion and repetitive actions can cause muscle injuries in humans and dogs. If your dog has had a heavy exercise session then make sure they have some down time to recover.


Muscle maintenance is important for the prevention of muscle injuries in active dogs. Addressing small muscle knots, spasms and adhesions early, prevents them from affecting the dog’s performance. Likewise, gentle stretching and mobility exercises help keep your dog’s muscles supple and gives you good feedback about the condition of your dog’s musculoskeletal system.

Give me a call or email at to find out more about muscle maintenance and exercise programmes to keep your dog’s muscles healthy.\

Until next time, enjoy your dogs.